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Proceedings published since 2005. They are included in the list of RINC and VAC. ISSN 2078-7707. Index of Rospechat: 59883


In order to ensure the quality of published materials and the copyrights, all incoming articles are checked for plagiarism (borrowings) and only then sent for peer review.

The Editorial Board of the Proceedings requires all authors who send an article to the conference to see the set out on this page information.

Policy of antiplagiarism

From the point of view of the editorial Board plagiarism is:

  • using (quoting verbatim) of any material in any amount without indicating the source;
  • using images, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, diagrams and other forms of graphic representation of information without indicating the source;
  • using images, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, diagrams and other forms of graphic presentation of information published in scientific and popular publications, without the consent of the franchisor;
  • use without the written permission of materials when the authors or right holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special approval.

Articles containing less than 70% of the original text will not be accepted. Not welcome an excessive number of citations, even decorated properly. The amount of citation – not more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Articles, for objective reasons requiring a large number of citations, are considered individually. The publication of articles is not welcome, the content of which fully corresponds to other scientific materials of the author (dissertation, thesis, monograph).

Verification of material borrowings

Authors can check their articles for plagiarism in the following sites:

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